
08 August 2014

Erica Betz

Because 1950s babies are better than your babies.

Eric Abetz, Leader of the Government in the Senate, Minister for Employment and unabashed anti-abortionist, expressed his respect for studies "back from the 1950s" that support a link between breast cancer and abortion in a television interview last night.  The people on the internet went crazy, and this morning the Senator is on his back-pedal bike, claiming that he was cut off when he was about to say that the link isn't supported by current medical thinking.

Whatever, Eric. You're attending the World Congress of Families event in Melbourne this month because it has aims that you "broadly support". You've never been shy about your stance on abortion and so-called 'Family Values' which is the world's worst euphemism for "Ladies and Homos should do as they're told".

I can't speak for everyone, but I think you meant it.

Eric Abetz has no regrets.
He said what he meant to say.
A woman is best when stout of breast
And well in the family way.
He’s here to discuss your uterus -
It doesn’t belong to you;
Those studies begun since Menzies’ run
Are not worth a brass razoo.

1 comment:

  1. "That 60-year-old study isn't remotely relevant, but I thought I'd mention it anyway to lend my position some credibility. "

    Uh huh, that makes sense.
